Lee Wenyong
Lee Wenyong


  • Listening Test Practice

You will hear a conversation between a loan specialist at a bank and a customer who is applying for a business loan. 

First, take some time to look at questions 1 to 5. Then listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 5. 



Question 1:

What kind of business is Sandra planning to start?

a) A hotel

b) A fashion outlet

c) An eco-friendly clothing store

d) A restaurant

Question 2:

How much personal capital has Sandra set aside for her business venture?

a) $200,000

b) $80,000

c) She hasn't mentioned any personal capital.

d) $15,000

Question 3: 

What is the proposed repayment term for the loan that Sandra is comfortable with?

a) Ten years

b) Three years

c) Five years

d) Seven years

Question 4: 

What does the bank use to determine the small business loan interest rates?

a) Only the credit score

b) Only the business plan

c) Only the applicant's experience in the field

d) Various factors including credit score and business plan

Question 5:

What is Future Growth Bank's policy regarding early repayment of the loan?

a) They discourage early repayment.

b) They don't charge any prepayment penalties.

c) They charge a fee for early repayment.

d) The policy is not mentioned.


Question 1:

What kind of business is Sandra planning to start?

a) A hotel

b) A fashion outlet

c) An eco-friendly clothing store

d) A restaurant

Answer: c) An eco-friendly clothing store

Reasoning: Sandra mentions her plan directly in the text, "I'm planning to open an eco-friendly clothing store."

Question 2:

How much personal capital has Sandra set aside for her business venture?

a) $200,000

b) $80,000

c) She hasn't mentioned any personal capital.

d) $15,000

Answer: b) $80,000

Reasoning: In the conversation, Sandra mentions, "I have set aside $80,000 of my own savings for this venture."

Question 3: 

What is the proposed repayment term for the loan that Sandra is comfortable with?

a) Ten years

b) Three years

c) Five years

d) Seven years

Answer: d) Seven years

Reasoning: Sandra mentions her repayment term in the text, "I've developed a financial plan anticipating a repayment term of seven years."

Question 4: 

What does the bank use to determine the small business loan interest rates?

a) Only the credit score

b) Only the business plan

c) Only the applicant's experience in the field

d) Various factors including credit score and business plan

Answer: d) Various factors including credit score and business plan

Reasoning: The loan specialist John explains that "Our small business loan interest rates currently range from 6.5% to 8.5%, depending on various factors such as credit score, business plan, and so on."

Question 5:

What is Future Growth Bank's policy regarding early repayment of the loan?

a) They discourage early repayment.

b) They don't charge any prepayment penalties.

c) They charge a fee for early repayment.

d) The policy is not mentioned.

Answer: b) They don't charge any prepayment penalties.

Reasoning: John explicitly mentions, "We encourage early repayment. In fact, at Future Growth Bank, we don't charge any prepayment penalties."