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  • Luyện kỹ năng Reading IELTS theo dạng câu hỏi

Title: The Power of Narrative for Effective Adult Learning and Business Transformation

(Sức mạnh của truyện kể đối với quá trình học tập của người trưởng thành và sự thay đổi hiệu quả trong kinh doanh)

The essence of human comprehension lies in our innate proclivity for storytelling, a simple yet impactful medium that enables us to make sense of the multifaceted reality we inhabit. By transforming life's complexities into a coherent narrative, we gain a profound understanding of our identity and personal evolution. This narrative principle serves as the cornerstone of adult education practices, where storytelling techniques such as role-playing, critical incidents, simulations, and case studies are often employed. Storytelling is lauded as an influential teaching and learning tool primarily due to its authenticity and relatability. Stories derived from real-life experiences resonate deeply with learners, evoking a sense of involvement and fostering 'active mean making'. They engage learners at both the action and conscious levels, allowing them to identify with characters, delve into the deeper implications of the narrative, and complete unfilled parts using their personal experiences. The effectiveness of storytelling relies heavily on its ability to stimulate empathy and resonate with the learner's life experiences and accumulated knowledge.

This dynamic interaction between the narrative and the learner's existing framework of understanding is known to support programs aimed at fostering appreciation for diversity, understanding different perspectives, and promoting tolerance. Furthermore, stories function as transformative instruments, guiding learners towards change and self-improvement. As learners identify with characters who have achieved personal growth, they are motivated to embrace the possibility of change for themselves. Thus, narratives not only enlighten learners about broader perspectives and new knowledge but also inspire them to venture beyond their familiar learning horizons. Autobiographical storytelling, in particular, is celebrated as a potent tool in adult education. By constructing and interpreting their life narrative, learners gain a more profound understanding of their personal learning process and goals. The transformative energy of an autobiographical story derives from the learner's realization that they are both the author and the protagonist of their life's story. In the business realm, narratives are increasingly recognized as strategic learning tools. Effective leaders harness the power of storytelling to inspire their team members and guide them through organisational challenges. From conveying organisational values and sharing knowledge to propelling action during difficult times, narratives are versatile instruments that can be leveraged to achieve various business objectives.

Narratives hold strategic importance in enhancing brand awareness, as illustrated by numerous successful marketing campaigns. However, for a story to fulfill its intended purpose, the teller must know how to craft and deliver it effectively. For instance, in times of organisational change, stories of successful transitions can foster interest and facilitate stakeholder buy-in. Leaders who master storytelling can also use it to share personal achievements, thereby cultivating an image of trust and competence. Moreover, well-told stories can help envision the future, making long-term implications more tangible for everyone involved. Notably, narratives can also serve as a deterrent against unfounded rumours, providing an effective way to control the office grapevine. To ensure the efficacy of storytelling in adult learning and business, several principles should be considered. A story should be designed with a specific intention and context in mind, it should resonate with the target audience, captivate their attention, and create a sense of anticipation. Furthermore, the story should possess elements of drama and tension to ensure its emotional impact and memorability. In conclusion, mastering the art of storytelling is not an overnight achievement, but a skill that can be developed over time with practice and self-awareness. As an indispensable tool in adult education and business transformation, narratives serve as a conduit for transmitting knowledge, instigating change, and fostering a culture of learning and growth. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to harness the power of storytelling, enabling us to learn, inspire, and transform in profound ways.


Từ vựng trong bài:

Word/Phrase: Innate proclivity: khuynh hướng tự nhiên

Meaning: A natural tendency or inclination towards something.

Example: His innate proclivity for languages led him to excel in the IELTS exam.

VD: Khả năng ngôn ngữ tự nhiên khiến anh ấy đạt thành tích xuất sắc trong bài thi IELTS.

Word/Phrase: Multifaceted reality: thực tại đa chiều

Meaning: A complex, multi-dimensional understanding or view of the world or a situation.

Example: Global warming is a multifaceted reality that poses significant challenges to humanity.

VD: Nóng lên toàn cầu là một thực tại đa chiều mà đặt ra những thách thức đáng kể cho nhân loại

Word/Phrase: Transformative instruments: công cụ dẫn đến sự thay đổi đáng kể

Meaning: Tools or processes that lead to significant change or development.

Example: Advanced technologies are transformative instruments that have revolutionized the way we live.

VD: Công nghệ tiên tiến là những công cụ dẫn cuộc cách mạng hóa cách chúng ta sống.

Word/Phrase: Accumulated knowledge: kiến thức tổng hợp

Meaning: The sum of information or understanding one has gathered over time.

Example: With her accumulated knowledge of biology, she was able to answer all the questions correctly.

VD: Với vốn kiến thức tổng hợp về sinh học, cô ấy có thể trả lời toàn bộ câu hỏi một cách chính xác

Word/Phrase: Autobiographical storytelling: tự sự về cuộc đời mình

Meaning: The practice of telling stories about one's own life experiences.

Example: In the speaking section of the IELTS exam, autobiographical storytelling can help provide detailed and engaging answers.

VD: Trong phần thi nói của bài thi IELTS, kể các câu chuyện tự sự có thể giúp cung cấp những câu trả lời chi tiết và thú vị.

Word/Phrase: Organisational challenges: thử thách mà doanh nghiệp hoặc tổ chức gặp phải.

Meaning: Problems or difficulties that a business or institution encounters.

Example: The CEO was praised for her approach to handling organisational challenges during the financial crisis.

VD: CEO đã được ca ngợi về cách tiếp cận giải quyết những thách thức mà tổ chức gặp phải trong suốt cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính.

Word/Phrase: Stakeholder buy-in: sự chấp thuận của các cổ đông

Meaning: The process of gaining approval or acceptance from individuals who have an interest in a decision or project. Example: For the new project to succeed, the team needs to ensure stakeholder buy-in.

VD: Để dự án mới thành công, cả nhóm cần bảo đảm sự chấp thuận từ các cổ đông.

Word/Phrase: Tangible implications: ảnh hưởng/ kết quả hữu hình

Meaning: Concrete or noticeable effects or results. Example: The study provides insights into the tangible implications of climate change on agriculture.

VD: Nghiên cứu cung cấp thông tin về những ảnh hưởng hữu hình của việc biến đổi khí hậu đối với nông nghiệp.

Word/Phrase: Office grapevine: tin đồn truyền thông nội bộ

Meaning: Informal communication network within an organization, often a source of rumors and unverified information.

Example: According to the office grapevine, the company is planning to expand its operations overseas.

VD: Theo tin đồn nội bộ, công ty đó đang có kế hoạch mở rộng hoạt động ở nước ngoài.

Word/Phrase: Emotional impact and memorability

Meaning: The ability of an experience or information to stir emotions and be remembered.

Example: The emotional impact and memorability of her speech led it to be widely shared on social media.


Question 1: Complete the following notes using no more than three words. Narratives are important in adult education practices because they...

a) Enable learners to identify with _________.

b) Foster a sense of ___________ and involvement.

c) Promote ____________ towards different perspectives.

Answer 1: a) characters b) empathy c) tolerance

Giải thích: Các câu chuyện kể quan trọng đối với giáo dục dành cho người trưởng thành vì

a/ Cho phép người học đồng cảm với nhân vật (thông tin trong bài "They engage learners at both the action and conscious levels, allowing them to identify with characters..."  đáp án characters)

b/ Thúc đẩy cảm giác đồng cảm hoặc tham gia vào câu chuyện. (thông tin trong bài "The effectiveness of storytelling relies heavily on its ability to stimulate empathy..."  đáp án empathy)

c/ Khuyến khích sự bao dung đối với các quan điểm khác nhau (thông tin trong bài "programs aimed at fostering appreciation for diversity, understanding different perspectives, and promoting tolerance."  đáp án tolerance)

Question 2: Complete the following summary using one word. In a business context, effective leaders use narratives as _________ tools to inspire team members, convey organisational values, and manage through challenges.

Answer: Strategic Giải thích: Trong đoạn 6, (“In the business realm …”), những người lãnh đạo hiệu quả sử dụng các câu chuyện như một “strategic learning tools” (công cụ học tập mang tính chiến lược)

Question 3: Complete the following note using no more than three words. To ensure the effectiveness of storytelling, it should: a) Be designed with a specific _________ and context.

b) Resonate with the _________ audience.

c) Create a sense of _________.

Answer: a) intention b) target c) anticipation

Giải thích: Để bảo đảm tính hiệu quả của việc kể chuyện, a) một câu chuyện nên được thiết kế với ý định cụ thể ("A story should be designed with a specific intention and context..."  đáp án intention) b) câu chuyện nên tạo được sự đồng cảm với đối tượng khán giả mục tiêu ("should resonate with the target audience..."  đáp án target) c) câu chuyện nên tạo ra cảm giác dự đoán ("create a sense of anticipation..."  đáp án anticipation) ————————-

Question 4:

Narratives play a minor role in the process of adult education. Is this statement:

a) Yes

b) No

c) Not Given

Answer: b) No

Giải thích: Bài đọc có câu "This narrative principle serves as the cornerstone of adult education practices," cho thấy rằng câu chuyện đóng một vai trò quan trọng, không phải là một vai trò nhỏ trong việc giáo dục người lớn.

Question 5: Storytelling techniques such as role-playing and simulations can be used as part of adult education practices. Is this statement:

a) Yes

b) No

c) Not Given


a) Yes Giải thích: Bài đọc có câu: "storytelling techniques such as role-playing, critical incidents, simulations, and case studies are often employed (các phương pháp kể chuyện như nhập vai, sự kiện quan trọng, mô phỏng và case study thường được áp dụng)

Question 6: Autobiographical storytelling is less effective than other storytelling methods in adult education. Is this statement:

a) Yes

b) No

c) Not Given

Answer: c) Not Given Giải thích: Bài đọc tán dương việc kể chuyện tự sự như một công cụ mạnh mẽ trong giáo dục người lớn, nhưng không so sánh hiệu quả của nó với các phương pháp kể chuyện khác. Do đó, thông tin cần thiết để trả lời câu hỏi không được cung cấp trong văn bản.