Mary's sunshine gift: A story about compassion
Lee Wenyong
Lee Wenyong


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There was a girl named Mary. She lived in a big house on a hill. 

Her grandma was very old with white hair and wrinkles. Grandma’s room was on the side of the house where the sun never shined.

Mary noticed this and asked her father why the sun didn’t visit Grandma’s room. Father said the sun couldn’t reach there. Mary wanted Grandma to have sunshine. She thought about how she could bring sunshine to her.

One morning, Mary was in the garden. She felt the sun on her hair and felt its warmth in her lap. She had an idea. She thought she could carry the sunshine to Grandma with her dress. Mary ran inside and said, "Look, Grandma, I have sunshine for you!" 

But there was no sunshine in her dress. 

Grandma smiled and said, "The sunshine is in your eyes and hair." Mary was happy that she made Grandma smile.

The story shows compassion because Mary wanted to make Grandma happy and feel loved. 

To practice compassion, you can think about others’ feelings and do kind things. Like Mary, your smile and kindness can bring joy to others.