Tạo tài khoản Pombeebee để đăng câu hỏi và được giáo viên hướng dẫn.
Lee Wenyong
Lee Wenyong
18 days ago


Câu lạc bộ tiếng Anh Pombeebee được tạo ra để giúp đỡ tất cả các bạn cải thiện trình độ tiếng Anh mà KHÔNG MẤT BẤT KÌ CHI PHÍ NÀO, đặc biệt là những bạn khó khăn, không đủ kinh phí cho quá trình ôn lu... Xem thêm
Lee Wenyong
Lee Wenyong
17 days ago


Bạn là sinh viên sắp tốt nghiệp mong muốn cải thiện tiếng Anh và chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho quá trình ứng tuyển việc làm (viết CV, phỏng vấn, v.v)? Bạn là người đi làm muốn rèn luyện tiếng Anh giao tiếp... Xem thêm
Vũ Chi
Vũ Chi
16 days ago

Mong thầy cô chấm chữa giúp em ạ

The diagram below shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute information on the weather in order to produce reliable forecasts. The given diagram illustrates the proce... Xem thêm
17 days ago

Em mong được thầy cô chấm chữa giúp ạ.

Question: The use of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, is replacing face-to-face contact in everyday life. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this development? Nowadays, the wi... Xem thêm
nguyen thi yen nhi
nguyen thi yen nhi
17 days ago

mong thầy cô và mọi người góp ýcho em ạ em cảm ơn

The provided chart illustrates the US livestock consumption of four types of meats: turkey, pork, beef, and broilers over a period of 57 years starting from 1955 overall, It is evident that pork and... Xem thêm
17 days ago

Nhờ Thầy/Cô chấm bài giúp em với ạ

Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valua... Xem thêm
19 days ago

dạ chấm giúp em với ạ

The graphs below show the total percentage of films released and the total percentage of ticket sales in 1996 and 2000 in a country. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main featu... Xem thêm
bao linh truong
bao linh truong
21 days ago

em mong các thầy cô có thể chấm chữa bài writing này giúp em ạ. Em xin cảm ơn.

The given pie chart outlines the distinct sorts of unusable materials which were disposed by a country during the period of 1960 and 2011. In overall, the survey revealed that these wastes were pr... Xem thêm
17 days ago

Mong thầy cô chám chữa giúp em với ạ. Em cảm ơn ạ.

The increase in people's life expectancy means that they have to work older to pay for their retirement. One alternative is that people start to work at younger age. Is this alternative a positive or... Xem thêm
Trương Minh Thư
Trương Minh Thư
17 days ago


Mong thầy cô chấm giúp em bài này với ạ. Em cảm ơn nhiều ạ. WRITING TASK 1: The table below shows the number of temporary migrant workers in four countries in 2003 and 2006 and the number of these wo... Xem thêm
Nguyễn My
Nguyễn My
17 days ago

More and more people in the city live in homes with small spaces or no outdoor areas. Do you think it is a negative or positive development?

There is a growth of population in many large cities, causing plenty of people to lead their lives in limited accomadations and no open space. Personally, I think this reality have significant negativ... Xem thêm
Lê Hương Giang
Lê Hương Giang
18 days ago

Thầy cô chấm giúp em ạ

The pie chart gives information about the place of dance classes which young generations are involved in now, while the bar chart illustrates the dance classes sector following the age categories. Ov... Xem thêm
19 days ago

mong thầy cô chấm giúp em ạ

Experts say if the old people spend time and get along with others and exercise every day, they will be healthier and happier. However, many elderly are suffering from loneliness and lack of fitness.... Xem thêm
bao linh truong
bao linh truong
19 days ago

em mong các thầy cô có thể chấm chữa bài writing này giúp em ạ. Em xin cảm ơn.

Dinosaurs which were no longer exist in this world from the previous decades can be taken as one of examples for the extinction of special organisms, indicating as a part of natural events. In additio... Xem thêm
Lê Thị Linh Trang
Lê Thị Linh Trang
22 days ago

thầy cô chấm chữa giúp em với ạ: In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

People in many parts of the world prefer having their own house to renting one. In these parts, the house plays a vital role in people’s lives. In my opinion, although having many benefits, it also ha... Xem thêm
Minh Ngọc
Minh Ngọc
19 days ago

Thầy cô sửa bài giùm em với ạ. E cảm ơn nhiều

The line chart provides the breakdown of the proportion of different age groups visiting cinema in one nation between 1978 and 2008. Overall, it is evident that the percentage of people whose age r... Xem thêm
Khanh Nguyễn
Khanh Nguyễn
20 days ago

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is argued that some individuals enjoy repeating similar activities and hesitate to experience variations while I am inclined to the idea that modification is a pivotal aspect of personal growth, wh... Xem thêm
Phạm Bảo Vân
Phạm Bảo Vân
17 days ago
Học viên chu đáo

Mong cô chấm writing task 1 giúp e ạ. E cảm ơn

The pie charts show the size of classes in primary schools in four states in Australia in 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where re... Xem thêm
Hoàng Trần
Hoàng Trần
20 days ago

bài task 2 của em ạ mong thầy cô chấm chữa

People have differing views about their way of living. While some argue that it is preferable to do similar activities and stay away from changes, I still believe that alteration is also crucial, whic... Xem thêm
Nguyễn My
Nguyễn My
22 days ago

The diagram below shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the- minute information on the weather in order to produce reliable forecasts

The given diagram illustrates how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collect datas to forecast the weather. Overall, there are four stages, beginning with the collection of information from differen... Xem thêm
Nguyễn My
Nguyễn My
22 days ago

A number of tertiary courses require students to undertake a period of unpaid work at companies or organisations as part of their programs. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of course requirement?

There are requirements of university courses that undergraduates have to work for companies or organizations without being paid to service educational progress. This essay will discuss the positive an... Xem thêm
Trần Kiện Đông
Trần Kiện Đông
18 days ago

em nhờ thầy cô chấm chữa bài giúp em ạ

The table illustrates the daily amount of oil produced in four countries from 2000 to 2004. Overall, it is notable that Congo was a leading producer of oil over the first four years, which was taken o... Xem thêm